Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hello world! I don't really know why I'm staring this blog, but maybe I feel a bit a drift out in a huge universe and am reaching out. I have been lurker on some adoptions boards for a while since me being the extreme type a personality (and procrastinating from grad school work at the same time) wants to know what to expect in like 10 years when I most likely will be at that stage of my life.Well I recently commented on a post from a women from that board post about a possible placement that has a lot if issues similar to the ones I faced health and development wise as a small child, and i turned out as a fairly normal high achieveing graduate student. However i sort of hope she doesn't start reading ths blog and fear her possible daughter will turn into a drunk, because of all the things connected in my life I think those two have very little to do with each other.

So yeah i am an acholic, recently I feel like that all my life is. Its like my life is now defined more by the absence of alchol then when it was defined by the presence of it. I am stressing out and procrastinating at the moment on phd apps and more pressing two finals papers. Its just like my mind is full.

In addition to being in recovery I am a politics nut, who LOVES the superme court, especially old case histories, and no for the millionth time I have no interest in going to law school. I guess part of my starting this blog is to have a place to vent about world events in too. Well I don't know if anyone will ever read this but thats me.


  1. Good morning. Thanks for adding my blog to your list.

    How long have you been sober? How's it going for you? Getting stuff out of your head is very helpful so write away here. I'll be your first reader.

    All the best. :)

  2. Well girl, ya sure know how to get people to read you...just put yourself in that little "Hollywood Squares" box, and you're off and running.

    Nice to meetcha. If you happen to read my blog today at 2 PM (Eastern) go to see how my life is NOT defined by alcohol! It could not be, because I've not had a 'drink' for 34 years.

    As bloggers flock to your site, expect a whirlwind of support, hope, and love, from many people, all wanting to help you, and each other! Glad you found us. Ya done GOOD!

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging my dear! I too just recently started blogging thinking that nobody would be interested in reading it...but like Steveroni said (he is wonderful by the way, my new best blogger friend), you will find here a whirlwind of support hope and love!!
    Love and Kindness,

  4. hello there lady.
    Welcome to the blogging world. I started mine awhile ago and it has been a great great decision. I have met some really great people in soberity here. I'm a follower of yours now so keep up the good work.
    Much love
